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Spring 2025 registration is closed

Email for late registration inquiries.

Spring 2025 Schedule

  • Nov. 1: Early bird registration open
  • Dec. 10 & 12: 12A team tryouts
  • Dec. 31: Early bird registration closes
  • Jan. 1: Regular registration open
  • Jan. 4: head coach applications due
  • Jan. 9-10: head coach interviews
  • Jan. 24: Regular registration closes
  • Jan. 25: Late registration opens
  • Jan. 25: Player evaluations
  • Jan. 29: Teams formed
  • Jan. 31: Late registration closes
  • Feb. 8: Field cleanup day & equipment swap
  • Feb. 9: First day of practice
  • Mar. 8: Opening day!  First games played.
  • TBD: Picture day
  • TBD: Family fun day
  • TBD: Spring fundrasing event
  • Apr. 27: Summer Crush tryouts
  • May 3: Closing day! Last games played.

(all dates subject to change)

Outfield Renovation with Dinsmore Landscape Company

Campbell Girls Fastpitch Softball (CGFS) is proud to have partnered with Dinsmore Landscape Company to complete the work at the Forest Hill Elementary School adjacent fields utilized by CGFS.

Dinsmore is a family-owned company which started in the Bay Area in 1983. Known for its affiliations with larger Silicon Valley property management companies, Dinsmore prides itself on large-scale irrigation, landscaping, and ongoing maintenance projects.

We, at Campbell Girls, are pleased that they have taken on our “smaller” in comparison project of full-scale re-irrigating, lawn scalping and reseeding, as well as any leveling of the outfields and infields that needs to happen.

Thank you to Dinsmore for their partnership and, hopefully, a new permanent fixture in CGFS’s family.

Sponsored by Optimus Vision Care

Optimus Vision Care

Visit Website

Huge THANK YOU to Optimus Vision Care for donating top-quality sporting eyewear to the Campbell Crush 10B team!  Not only are the girl's eyes protected, but the matching eyewear for the team looks super sharp!

About Campbell Girls Fastpitch Softball

Softball in Campbell and West San Jose, started in 1974 with Campbell Bobby Sox and evolved to the formation of Campbell Girls Fastpitch Softball in 2005.

Campbell Girls Fastpitch Softball has the goal of teaching girls aged 5-13 life lessons in competition and teamwork, while learning the fundamentals of softball and developing valuable relationships that last a lifetime.   

The league is one of a few outdoor sports organizations in the local area that focuses on empowering girls through teamwork, competition, sportsmanship and confidence. The league typically has over 200 players and is an entirely volunteer managed, 501 (C) non-profit. The parent volunteers provide their time to improve, manage and maintain our league at Forest Hill Elementary School.

Please register with our site by clicking HERE to signup for updates on all current events for Campbell Fastpitch Softball and Campbell Crush Travel Teams. We highly recommend you follow us on Facebook too.

Follow us @campbell_softball

Connect with us on Facebook!


Thanks to all the Campbell Softball Sponsors! Every player appreciates your generous support. See our Sponsors tab for more information or click below.

Volunteering and Fundraising

CGFS is a league based solely on volunteers.  Everyone can help to keep this a vibrant league.

Here are some ideas - 

Did you know you can create your own Facebook Fundraiser through Facebook's Charitable Giving on our behalf using this link? 100% of the proceeds goes directly to CGFS:

Did you know you can select up to 3 schools and/or non-profits to benefit from your eScrip account? CGFS is registered with eScrip and would appreciate your designation of our league:

Do you work for one of the 750+ world’s most purpose-driven brands that uses Benevity? If so, did you know that we're a registered non-profit on their platform?

Microsoft Rewards lets you support Campbell Girls Fastpitch Softball through its Give with Bing program. After signing up and selecting our organization, you can earn rewards points just for searching the web with Bing. Microsoft then turns those points into cash donations to us.
The program is free--you just need to sign up with a Microsoft account. Join now:

Campbell Girls Fastpitch Softball is the designated non-profit recipient to the Round Up and Give program at South Winchester BBQ. Available only when ordering ONLINE for pick up or delivery:

Volunteer to help with the fields

Contact the fields manager at
If your school or employer needs proof of your community volunteer hours, we can provide you the necessary documentation.